MsgLog8 = Copyright ⌐ 2003-2005. Distributed by PC Tools.
MsgLog9 = Legal Notice
MsgLog10 = Click to go back
MsgLogS1 = Scan Results:
MsgLogS2 = scan start:
MsgLogS3 = scan stop:
MsgLogS4 = scanned items:
MsgLogS5 = found items:
MsgLogS6 = found and ignored:
MsgLogS7 = tools used:
MsgLogS8 = Infection Name
MsgLogS9 = Location
MsgLogS10 = Risk
MsgLogS101 = Tool
MsgLogS11 = Removed / Quarantined Infections:
MsgLogS12 = Removed Infection
MsgLogS13 = Related To
MsgLogS14 = Removed
MsgLogS15 = Quarantined
MsgLogM1 = Version
MsgLogM2 = Database Version
MsgLogM3 = Database Last Updated
MsgLogM4 = Signatures In The Database
MsgLogM5 = Last Scan Performed On
MsgLogM6 = Total Number Of Scans
MsgLogM7 = OnGuard Is Now
MsgLogM8 = OnGuard Tools Running:
MsgLogM9 = User Name
MsgLogM11 = Program Path
MsgLogM12 = Program Language
MsgLogM13 = Runs At Startup
MsgLogM14 = Auto Quarantine
MsgLogM15 = Delete After Restore
MsgLogM16 = Clear Log On Exit
MsgLogM17 = Clear Log Directory When It Exceeds Specified Size
MsgLogM18 = Maximum Log Directory Size (MB)
MsgLogM19 = Log Ignored Problems
MsgLogM20 = Startup Action
MsgLogM21 = On Startup Clean Problems Automatically
MsgLogM22 = Exit After Startup Scan
MsgLogM23 = Show Scan Results After Startup Scan
MsgLogM24 = Auto Live Update
MsgLogM25 = Ignored Items
MsgLogM26 = Program Settings
MsgLU1 = Please click Next to download the list of available updates.
MsgLU2 = Getting the list of updates.
MsgLU3 = Download progress:
MsgLU4 = Error downloading the list of updates. Please try again later.
MsgLU5 = %d bytes
MsgLU6 = %d.%d Kb
MsgLU7 = %d Mb
MsgLU8 = Please select the updates you want to install and then click Next.
MsgLU9 = Complete
MsgLU10 = Failed
MsgLU11 = Finish
MsgLU12 = Applying updates...
MsgLU13 = Skipped
MsgLU14 = Ready. Click Finish to exit Live Update.
MsgLU15 = %s left
MsgLU16 = Your database is up-to-date. Please click Finish to exit Live Update.
MsgLU17 = Removed
MsgLU18 = Failed
MsgLU19 = Sorry your subscription has expired, please renew your subscription to continue receiving updates.
MsgLU20 = The subscription status is invalid. Please contact support.
MsgLU21 = No current subscription located. Please register or renew your subscription to access live updates. If you believe you already have a current subscription, please contact PC Tools Support for assistance.
MsgLU22 = To update the "%s" component, "%s" must be closed. Would you like to continue with this update now?
MsgLU23 = Kill Task Error: "%s".
HintSkinButtonStatus = Displays Spyware Doctor's status, including system scan results and reference files.
HintSkinButtonStartScan = Allows you to start scanning your system using the Quick Scan, Full System Scan or Custom Scan functions.
HintSkinButtonOnGuard = Here you can control every aspect of the OnGuard feature, which allows you to protect your computer in real-time.
HintSkinButtonTools = Select from multiple tools that extend Spyware Doctor's functionality.
HintSkinButtonSettings = Allows you to tune all available aspects of Spyware Doctor.
HintsbRegisterNow = Click this button to upgrade to the registered version.
ListViewProblemsCol0 = Infection
ListViewProblemsCol1 = Tool
ListViewProblemsCol2 = Description
ListViewProblemsCol3 = Location
ListViewQFilesCol0 = Quarantine File
ListViewQFilesCol1 = Creation Date
ListViewQFilesCol2 = Creation Time
ListViewQItemsCol0 = Quarantine Infection
ListViewIgnoreCol0 = Infection
ListViewIgnoreCol1 = Description
ListViewDetailsCol0 = Item
ListViewDetailsCol1 = Value
ListViewIncentivesCol0 = Infection
ListViewIncentivesCol1 = Location
ListViewIncentivesCol2 = Risk Type
ListViewIncentivesCol3 = Description
Msg1 = Error importing the database entries
Msg2 = Error in parameters
Msg3 = Home Page for %s
Msg4 = Visit Home Page of %s
Msg5 = %s is not found. Reinstalling this application may solve the problem.
Msg6 = Infections detected: %d
Msg7 = Edit
Msg8 = No infections have been selected for quarantine or removal. Are you sure you would like to continue?
Msg9 = Processing %s
Msg10 = Below is the results summary. Click OK to continue.
Msg11 = Infections removed: %d
Msg12 = Infections not removed: %d
Msg13 = Infections quarantined: %d
Msg14 = Infections not quarantined: %d
Msg15 = The selected infections will be placed into the Ignore List and removed from this list. Continue?
Msg16 = error opening file
Msg17 = Quarantined files: %d
Msg18 = Remove %d selected quarantine file(s)?
Msg19 = Error removing the file %s.
Msg20 = Restored %d infection(s) out of %d
Msg21 = Error loading quarantine file.
Msg22 = Found %d invalid quarantine entries which were removed from the database.
Msg23 = Quarantined infection(s): %d
Msg24 = No infections are selected. Please check the infections you want to be restored and try again.
Msg25 = %d infection(s) will be restored. Continue?
Msg26 = Restored %d infection(s) out of %d
Msg27 = Register %s
Msg28 = Congratulations! %s has been successfully registered. Enjoy the full version!
Msg29 = You have entered an invalid user name or license code. Please try again.
Msg30 = Exit
Msg31 = Trial period has expired.
Msg32 = You have used Spyware Doctor for %d days out of %d
Msg33 = Stop Scan
Msg34 = Scan started. Scan type: %s.
Msg35 = Start Scan
Msg36 = clean
Msg37 = found %d infection(s)
Msg39 = Alert! Scan is now over. Found %d infections. Click on the %s icon to see the scan results.
Msg41 = Use this category to customize general settings, including scanning, infection removal, popup alert and language options.
Msg42 = Here you can customize Spyware Doctor's logging features, including the maximum log directory size.
Msg43 = Use this category to specify startup behavior. You can set Spyware Doctor to scan your computer every time Windows starts up.
Msg44 = Use this category to change important Live Update parameters.
Msg45 = Browse for a new log directory.
Msg46 = Would you like to set the options on this page to their default values?
Msg47 = Remove all the log files?
Msg48 = Would you like to reset the System Scan Status information?
Msg49 = never
Msg50 = none
Msg51 = Deactivate OnGuard Protection
Msg52 = Activate OnGuard Protection
Msg53 = (no tool selected)
Msg54 = Remove tool %s (this will also remove the tool file)?
Msg55 = You are about to write the log to %s. This file already exists. Rewrite it?
Msg56 = The log file was moved to the new location: %s.
Msg57 = In order to repair %s, Spyware Doctor must terminate the %s process. Repair this infection now?
Msg58 = Version %s
Msg60 = not registered
Msg61 = Total infections: %d
Msg62 = %d infection(s) will be removed from the ignore list. Continue?
Msg63 = Log file is not created
Msg64 = You cannot remove high-risk and/or medium-risk infections in this unregistered version. Please register and try again. Would you like to register now?
Msg65 = Medium
Msg66 = Elevated
Msg67 = High
Msg68 = Checking...
Msg69 = Invalid
Msg70 = Expired
Msg72 = Active until %s
Msg74 = Your subscription will expire in %d days. Click here to renew your subscription.
Msg77 = unknown
Msg78 = This license has been disabled. Click to contact support for more information.
Msg79 = %d file(s) could not be removed. They will be removed next time you reboot.
Msg80 = Scan was interrupted by user
Msg81 = No infections have been selected for repair. Do you want to continue?
Msg82 = OnGuard provides real-time protection for your PC against spyware and other infections. Activate OnGuard now? (recommended)
Msg83 = OnGuard protection is now active! When a spyware program or cookie is detected and removed, you will see a popup notification window in the system tray.
Msg84 = Enhanced program features require a licensed version of Spyware Doctor.
Msg86 = Preparing to scan...
Msg87 = To purchase Spyware Doctor, please click Purchase Online. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the full version.
Msg88 = Warning! You may have other serious infections on your PC! To increase the effectiveness of Spyware Doctor, please register now to access Live Updates, which includes detection and protection for the latest privacy infections, or press Continue to repair the detected infections.
Msg89 = Your subscription has expired. Click here to update the subscription.
Msg90 = Run a Quick Scan for a faster scan of your system. This scan is recommended for everyday use. However, you should run a Full System Scan regularly for a more comprehensive scan.
Msg91 = Run a Full System Scan to perform a comprehensive scan of your system, which includes deep registry and file system scanning. Use this option regularly for an in-depth analysis of your system.
Msg92 = Use Custom Scan to specify which scanners should be used to scan your computer. Custom scan can also be used at startup.
Msg93 = Select All
Msg94 = Clear Selection
Msg95 = %s has detected that the database is incompatible with Spyware Doctor. The database can be used only with the newer version of Spyware Doctor. Please use Live Update to update Spyware Doctor.%sProgram version: %s%sDatabase version: %s
Msg96 = Low
Msg97 = Info
Msg98 = Scan Your Computer
Msg99 = Scan Your Computer
Msg100 = Scan Your Computer
Msg101 = Please enter your name.
Msg102 = Please provide a valid e-mail address.
Msg103 = Please type in your question.
Msg104 = Your message has been received. Support will contact you shortly if a reply is required.
Msg105 = Sending data...
Msg106 = You have made changes to the settings on this page. Would you like to apply the settings now?
Msg107 = Settings changes were successfully applied.
Msg108 = current log
Msg109 = This will remove the log "%s". Continue?
Msg110 = You need to have Winsock version 2.0 installed on your computer. Please refer to the users manual -> Introduction -> System Requirements section for information on how to download and install Winsock 2.0.
Msg112 = Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher must be installed on your computer in order to view correctly formatted log files.
Msg113 = One or more active infections were removed from memory. To ensure system stability, Spyware Doctor must now restart Windows. Please save your work and close any running applications, then click OK to reboot.
Msg114 = Operating System
Msg115 = Number of Processors
Msg116 = single CPU
Msg117 = Total Physical Memory
Msg118 = Available Physical Memory
Msg119 = Memory Utilization
Msg120 = Logged in as
Msg121 = Incorrect log directory size specified. Default value restored.
Msg122 = OnGuard Protection
Msg123 = Register now for real-time OnGuard protection
Msg124 = error
Msg125 = disabled
Msg126 = Infections
Msg151 = No contents
Msg152 = Missing customer details or ticket number
Msg153 = Invalid ticket
Msg154 = Invalid customer
Msg155 = Message error
Msg156 = Storing attachment
Msg171 = Copyright ⌐ 2003-2005. Distributed by PC Tools.
Msg172 = About
Msg173 = Hint
Msg174 = %s (%d intelli-signatures)
Msg190 = Setting debug privileges...
Msg191 = Loading the database...
Msg192 = Loading monitors...
Msg193 = Starting application...
Msg194 = Starting application...
Msg195 = Starting application...
Msg200 = You have entered an invalid user name or activation code. Please try again.
Msg201 = Activate Now...
Msg202 = Activation
Msg203 = Real-time protection will not be available until Spyware Doctor is activated. Activate now?
Msg211 = Invalid activation code.
Msg212 = You cannot use this activation code as it is already in use.
Msg213 = Unknown error.
Msg214 = You have used the "%s" symbol, which is not allowed.
Msg215 = You cannot use this activation code as it has been suspended.
Msg216 = You cannot activate Spyware Doctor at this time as there is a problem with your Internet connection. You will need to restore your Internet connection before activating this product.
Msg217 = Invalid e-mail address.
Msg220 = You need to install a newer version of the Common Controls DLL (ComCtl32.dll version 4.71 or greater) to run Spyware Doctor. Please see the System Requirements section of the Help for further information.
Msg221 = An error occurred while loading Spyware Doctor. You may not have enough administrator privileges to run this application.
Msg225 = To upgrade to the licensed version, please click Upgrade Online or click Continue to access the current version. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the licensed version.
Msg226 = Upgrade Online
SkinButtonStatus = Status
SkinButtonStartScan = Start Scan
SkinButtonOnGuard = OnGuard
SkinButtonTools = Tools
SkinButtonSettings = Settings
SkinButtonHelp = Help
SkinButtonLiveUpdate = Live Update
SkinButtonRegister = Info
sbRegisterNow = Buy Now!
miFile = File
miScan = Scan
miTools = Tools
miView = View
miHelp = Help
miFileProgramSettings = Program Settings...
miFileLanguage = Change Language
miFileHide = Hide
miFileExit = Exit
miScanStartQuickScan = Quick Scan
miScanStartFullScan = Full Scan
miScanGotoScanPage = Go to Scan Page
miToolsDatabaseEditor = Database Editor
miToolsConfigureOnGuardTools = Configure OnGuard
miToolsConfigureSimpleTools = Run/Configure Tools
miViewView = Page
miViewQuarantineList = Quarantine
miViewIgnoreList = Ignore List
miViewLog = Log
miViewViewStatus = Status/Summary
miViewViewStartScan = Scan
miViewViewOnGuard = OnGuard
miViewViewTools = Tools
miViewViewSettings = Settings
miHelpContents = Contents
miHelpIndex = Index
miHelpTopicSearch = Topic Search...
miHelpProductHomePage = Product Page
miHelpCompanyontheWeb = Company Page
miHelpTechnicalSupport = Technical Support
miHelpLiveUpdate = Live Update
miHelpAbout = About...
miPopupShowHide = Show/Hide
miPopupStartQuickScan = Start Quick Scan
miPopupStartFullScan = Start Full Scan
miPopupView = Page
miPopupViewStatus = Status/Summary
miPopupViewStartScan = Scan
miPopupViewOnGuard = OnGuard
miPopupViewTools = Tools
miPopupViewSettings = Settings
miPopupHelpContents = Help Contents
miPopupHelpIndex = Help Index...
miPopupAbout = About...
miPopupExit = Exit
miPopup2Contents = Help Contents
miPopup2Index = Help Index
miPopup2TopicSearch = Topic Search...
miPopup2ProductHomePage = Product Page
miPopup2CompanyontheWeb = Company Page
miPopup2TechnicalSupport = Technical Support
miPopup2LiveUpdate = Live Update
miPopup2About = About...
miGetSupportNow = Get Support Now
miTellFriend = Tell a Friend...
CheckBoxActivateOnGuard = Activate OnGuard
Label2 = OnGuard Categories
LabelCaption = OnGuard Protection
Label3 = OnGuard functions
Label4 = OnGuard provides real-time protection for your PC. It protects against known malicious activity and blocks attempts to compromise your system and information.
CheckBoxPopup = Display popup alert window
btnUncheckAll = Uncheck All
actCheckAll = Check All
actUncheckAll = Uncheck All
LabelCaption = Infections Found
HotLabelLog = View Log
btnFix = Fix Checked
ButtonNext = Finish
miSelectAll = Select All
miDeselectAll = Clear Selection
miInvertSelection = Invert Selection
miCheckSelected = Check Selected
miClearSelected = Uncheck Selected
miMoveIgnore = Move Checked to Ignore List
miQuarantineChecked = Move to Quarantine and Remove
miRemoveChecked = Remove Only
miMovetoIgnoreList = Move to Ignore List
miCheckAll = Check All
miUncheckAll = Uncheck All
miViewDetails = View Details
btnCheckAll = Check All
actQuarantine = Move to Quarantine and Remove
actRemove = Remove Only
actViewDetails = View Details
LabelCaption = Quarantined Files
ButtonRestore = Restore
ButtonDetails = Details...
ButtonClose = Back
miOpenQuarantineFile = Open Quarantine File
miDeleteSelectedFiles = Delete Selected Files
miSelectAll = Select All
miInvertSelection = Invert Selection
miClearSelection = Clear Selection
miRestoreSelected = Restore Selected
miRemoveSelected = Remove Selected
LabelCaption = Quarantined Infections
ButtonRestore = Restore
ButtonClose = Back
lblText = To upgrade to the licensed version, please click Purchase Online or click Continue to access the free version. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the licensed version.
lblName = License Name
lblLicense = License Code
bbPurchaseOnline = Purchase Online
ButtonRegister = Register Now
ButtonEvaluate = Continue
lblTitle = Register Spyware Doctor
hlRegistrationHelp = Need help registering?
LabelCaption = System Scan
lblScanType = Select Scan Type
lblScanDescTitle = Scan Description
ButtonStartScan = Start Scan
rbQuickScan = Quick Scan
rbFullScan = Full System Scan
rbCustomScan = Custom Scan
Label1 = Spyware Doctor will scan your PC for known infections. Please select the type of scan you want to perform then click the Start Scan button.
Label2 = This scan includes:
Label3 = Please specify custom scan settings:
Label19 = Scanning with the tool:
Label20 = Scanning entry:
lblEntriesNumber = Intelli-signatures:
lblScanProgress = Scan progress:
lblTotalProgress = Total progress:
lblObjectsScanned = Items processed:
lblProblemsFound = Infections found:
LabelCaption = Scan Results
ButtonBack = < Back
ButtonClose = Close
lblTotalScanned = Total items scanned:
lblProblemsDetected = Infections detected:
lblProblemsQuarantined = Infections quarantined:
lblProblemsRemoved = Infections removed:
lblFailedToQuarantine = Infections not quarantined:
lblFailedToRemove = Infections not removed:
lblFoundAndIgnored = Infections ignored:
hlViewLog = View Log
hlStartNextScan = Start Next Scan
cbAutoQuarantine = Quarantine infections before removal
cbOnGuardPopups = OnGuard tools can display popup alert window
btnApply = Apply...
LabelCaption = Program Settings
lblPickCategory = Pick a category:
htlblGeneralSettings = General Settings
htlblLoggingSettings = Log Settings
htlblStartupSettings = Startup Settings
htlblLiveUpdateSettings = Live Update Settings
lblDescription = Description:
lblAdvanced = Advanced:
htlblHelponTopic = Help on Topic
htlblLoadDefaults = Load Page Defaults
lblGeneralSettings = General Settings
CheckBoxRunAtStartup = Run at Windows Startup
CheckBoxDeleteAfterRestore = Delete quarantined infections after restoring
CheckBoxPlayOnScanEnd = Play sound on scan end when infections are found
CheckBoxAskToKill = Ask for confirmation to kill a task
cbIncludeLowLevelThreats= Include 'Information Only' low-level infections in scan results
LabelCaption = Program Status/Summary
lblMoreTasks = More tasks:
lblQuarantineListInfo = The Quarantine list contains all the infections that were removed, but can still be restored.
lblIgnoreListInfo = Use this list to specify which infections you do not want to be detected in a scan.
lblResetStatisticsInfo = This will reset the system scan status information.
lblAction = What would you like to do?
lblStartQuickScan = Click here to scan your computer for infections now!
lblHeaderImmunizeYourComputer = Immunize Your Computer
lblImmunizeYourComputer = Protect your computer from known infections
lblTurnOffOnGuardProtection = OnGuard provides real-time protection for your PC
lblStatusSummary = Status/Summary
lblLastUpdated = Reference file last updated:
lblReferenceFileVersion = Reference file version:
lblLastPerformed = Last scan time and results:
lblTotalScans = Total number of scans:
hlItemsInQuarantine = Click to View Quarantine List
hlItemsInIgnoreList = Click to View Ignore List
hlResetStatistics = Click to Reset Statistics
LabelCaption = Program Tools
lblTools = Tools:
ButtonRunTool = Run Tool
LabelAuthorCopyright = Author and Copyright
LabelDescription = Description
HotLabelRemoveTool = Remove Selected Tool...
htlblLiveUpdate = Check Live Update for new tools
LabelCaption = Ignore List
ButtonClose = Back
miSelectAll = Select All
miInvertSelection = Invert Selection
miClearSelection = Clear Selection
miRemoveSelected = Remove Selected
btnRemoveSelected = Remove Selected
TabSheetGeneral = General
TabSheetLiveUpdate = Live Update
TabSheetSystemInfo = System Information
lblRegisteredTo = Registered to:
ButtonRegister = Register Now
lblWarning = Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
lblSubscriptionStatus = Subscription status:
lblLastUpdated = Last updated:
lblTotalSignatures = Intelli-signatures:
ButtonUpdate = Live Update
lblSystemInfo = System Information
lblDetails = Details:
lblDatabaseVersion = Database version:
lblSubscription = Checking...
lblWelcometoLiveUpdate = Welcome to Live Update
LabelUpdate = Update status:
ButtonBack = < Back
ButtonNext = Next >
ButtonCancel = Cancel
ButtonHelp = Help
lblCaption = Purchase to remove detected infections from your computer.
lblText = These detected infections can only be removed in the registered version of Spyware Doctor:
btnRegister = Register Now
btnEvaluate = Register Later
lblProblemDescription = Infection description:
gbOtherInformation = Other Information
lblToolNameInfo = Tool name:
lblProblemLocationInfo = Infection location:
lblProblemTypeInfo = Infection type:
lblProblemRiskLevelInfo = Infection risk level:
btnCopytoClipboard = Copy to Clipboard
btnClose = Close
hlMoreInformation = More Information
Label1 = Each time you click the close or minimize buttons of the main window, Spyware Doctor will be minimized to the system tray area.
Label2 = In order to exit Spyware Doctor, click the Exit button. Alternatively, you may right-click the icon in the system tray and click Exit.
cbNoShowAgain = Do not show this hint again
btnExit = Exit
btnOK = OK
lblText = Please note that the removal of certain detected items from your computer may result in you ceasing to be authorized to continue using the host programs that originally installed those items, and may result in the host program ceasing to operate. Please read the relevant license agreements for the host programs for further information. If you remove the detected items and encounter problems running the host programs please refer to the Quarantine feature.
cbDontShow = Do not show this message again
btnContinue = Continue Removal
btnDont = Do not Remove
btnRegisterNow = Register Now
btnContinue = Continue
lblRegisterNow = Warning!
Label3 = Your name:
Label4 = Your e-mail address (used to contact you about your query):
Label2 = Please enter your query below:
cbSendLogs = Send log files to help us identify the problem
hlViewFirstLog = Click to view the first log
hlViewLastLog = Click to view the last log
btnSend = Send...
btnCancel = Cancel
lblWarning = Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
LabelState = Activate real-time protection and subscription updates
lblText = Please enter details below to activate OnGuard real-time protection and to receive the latest subscription updates. Your activation code is provided with Spyware Doctor.